Thursday, December 27, 2012

An introduction

I'm a parent. And I believe in a world where people care about one another. My deepest wish for my daughter is to help, in her own unique way, make the world a better place. We create our future world in the way we raise our children, the values we open and they build their future upon, and the degree to which we help their innate beauty and spirit to manifest.

The One World I envision and hope to pass down to my children has a core of compassion and peace and love. Everything else follows. Just that simple.

In each of my parenting decisions I ask myself the question - "will this bring out my child's innate goodness and nourish her spirit"? And then we make our decisions and parenting choices.

I don't believe there is one right way that applies to everyone. Well, perhaps there is on the deepest level, as there is some universal truth, but I believe we are all lenses through which it filters. And so it looks different through each of us, but is no less valid. There is beauty in our subjectivity, that should not be destroyed with dogmas and pragmatism. One World in not about one way :)

And so I hope to record some of my parenting thoughts with all this in mind!

On a lighter note, we are a Brooklynite family. Dad is an IT guy, but with a philosopher's way of questioning the meaning...well just about everything. Mom is an acupuncturist and a yogi who dabbled in some graduate mathematics before discovering her deeper roots in healing. Baby is 20 months, and some would call "feisty". We think she's the sweetest little monkey in the world with a very big spirit. I hope to let you in on some of our adventures and on how we try to introduce the One World vision to her.